
A delegation of Beijing Overseas Friendship Association led by Mr. Zhao Yujin, the Vice Secretary General of Beijing Municipal Committee, visited UM on 27 June. The delegation was warmly received by Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Haydn Chen. Dr. Paul Poon, the Librarian, gave a tour in the Library by introducing its design concepts and facilities. And the delegation paid a visit to the Cheng Yu Tung College, College Master Prof. Chung Ling introduced the education concepts, residential college organization and management, as well as its facilities. And Vice Rector Prof. Chen remarked Residential College provides an excellent platform for whole-people-education, to produce intellectually and socially resilient individuals leading principled, caring, and productive lives. The delegation expressed that the university’s learning environment, education concepts and structure provide students an excellent college education, and they look forward to the future development of the university.