Outgoing Exchange Scholarship

University of Macau (“UM”) established the Outgoing Exchange Scholarship (“OES” or “Scholarship”) to encourage its students to participate in semester exchange programmes to help students develop a global perspective by exposing them to different cultures, as well as broadens their horizons and knowledge. The OES is administered by the Global Affairs Office (“GAO”) and supervised by the Vice Rector (Global Affairs).

The OES could only subsidize part of the exchange expenses. Students should make sure to reserve sufficient budget to cover all the necessary expenses during the exchange and should not consider scholarship as the main financial source.

Enquiry: exchange.enquiry@um.edu.mo

Rules for Outgoing Exchange Scholarship (OES)

The OES targets undergraduate students who apply and are nominated for UM credit-bearing semester exchange programmes (both University-level and Faculty-level) to be conducted in the semester following the application period.

Applicants must achieve a CGPA 3.0/4.0 (14/20 for students from Faculty of Law) or above.

Students are not eligible for the OES in any of the following cases:

    • Participating in self-initiated exchange programme or third-party’s programme;
    • Not enrolling in any credit-bearing courses at host university;
    • Previous awardee of OES;
    • Receiving any other scholarship or fellowship from UM/ outside entities for the same exchange exercise.
The amount of OES depends on the countries / regions of the host university as listed below. It is a one-off payment for the whole exchange period of one semester or one academic year.

Countries / Regions of the host university Amount of Scholarship (MOP)
Zone 1: Foreign Countries outside Asia $15,000
Zone 2: Foreign Asia Countries $10,000
Zone 3: China
(Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan region)

The quotas of OES will be defined on a yearly basis subject to funding availability.

In order to distribute the Scholarship fairly to students from different academic units, the OES quotas will be allocated proportionally according to the number of applications from each unit (applicants’ home unit) and the acceptance rate [AR] of the current applications;

    • Acceptance Rate [AR] = Total Quotas [NQ] / Total Number of Applications [NA]
    • Quotas for each academic unit [QU] = Number of applications from each academic unit x [AR]

Selection Criteria

  • All eligible candidates will be evaluated and selected in a fair and objective manner. GAO reserves the right to contact an applicant for interview, if it is deemed necessary.
  • The OES will be awarded to eligible candidates with the highest CGPA within the allocated quotas of his/her affiliated unit, subject to the candidates’ past exchange record(s) and student profiles.
  • In the case of equal CGPA, Scholarship will be awarded in sequence to the below criteria:
    • Latest GPA;
    • Applicants’ seniority;
    • Academic Awards and participation in academic activities.
  • Student who had any withdrawal record from the exchange programmes without reasonable justification will be lastly considered for the OES.

Selection Process

GAO evaluates the applications according to the abovementioned criteria. The selection result on the list of awardees will be endorsed by the Ad-hoc Committee of Global Affairs, and then approved by the Scholarship Committee as final.

Application Timeline

The calls and applications of OES corresponds to the students’ exchange in the following semester. The OES is open for application twice a year, usually in March (for exchange in 1st semester of the following academic year) and October/November (for exchange in 2nd semester of the current academic year). Calls for applications will be released via UM bulletin, GAO website and/or GAO social media channels.

The Application Period for Outgoing Exchange Scholarship AY2024/2025 Semester 2 is 21 – 30 October 2024.

Application Channel & Documents

  • Eligible students should apply the OES via online application system within the application period. Supporting documents such as certificates of academic awards and/or documents that show the students’ academic activities or research abilities can be provided for evaluation, if any.
  • Online application system: https://isw.um.edu.mo/seas/index.html
  • Before making the application, students must confirm the exchange nomination on the online application system by the acceptance deadline.

Late and incomplete application will not be considered. Any technical problems occurred during submission of scholarship application should be reported to GAO immediately.

Release of Results and Acceptance of Offers

  • Application result will be released in the online application system. Applicants will be notified of the release of results by email.
  • Awardees have to login the application system and accept/ refuse the OES within the acceptance period.
  • If the scholarship offer is not accepted within the acceptance period, the scholarship will be given to the next deserving candidate.
  • Appeal against the decision must be raised to the GAO together with ample justifications within 5 working days after the announcement of the Scholarship result. The appeal case will be analyzed by the Committee, and its resolution will be considered as final.
For Exchange in 1st Semester For Exchange in 2nd Semester
Call for Applications March October/ November
Announcement of application result & acceptance of offer May December
Scholarship Disbursement March – April (of the following year) September – October (of the following year)
  • The Scholarship will be released after the awardees submit the offer letters and official transcripts issued by the host university within the submission period (which is normally the end of the semester following the awardees’ exchange).
  • Awardee should update the information of his/her “Receiving Bank Account” on the ISW and make sure the Bank Account Number is correct. The OES will be transferred into the awardee’s bank account stated on the ISW.
  • UM serves the right not to release the monetary award of the OES in any of the following cases:
    • Failure to submit the documents within the submission period;
    • Failure to receive the OES due to incorrect Bank Account Number or delay in submitting the Bank Account Number.

The OES (both title and monetary award) will be revoked in any of the following cases and the awardee concerned is liable to refund the full Scholarship (if the Scholarship has been disbursed to the Awardee):

  • an awardee does not fulfill the minimum enrolment requirement stipulated in the “Rules for Semester-based Outgoing Exchange Programmes”;
  • an awardee passes less than half of the enrolled credits at host university;
  • an awardee doesn’t participate in the exchange programme in-person (e.g. online participating);
  • an awardee is determined to have made a false statement on his/her application;
  • an awardee withdraws or terminates the exchange programme before or during the exchange period due to personal reasons;
  • an awardee drops out and do not return or resume his/her study at UM;
  • an awardee’s conducts are detrimental to the reputation of UM, violates or fails to fulfill the regulations, rules or guidelines in regard to his/her exchange;
  • the exchange programme which an awardee participated in is cancelled by UM;
  • an awardee has received another scholarship or subsidy from UM and/or other entities for the same exchange exercise.

*If the Exchange Programme was terminated before normal exchange period due to circumstances which are beyond the awardees’ reasonable control, cases will be considered by the Ad-hoc Committee of Global Affairs on a case by case basis.

  • Awardees shall accept UM’s invitation to take part in activities that aim to promote student exchange and internationalization of the University after their return from exchange.
  • Non-fulfillment of the above mentioned obligations will be recorded down in the Awardee’s student file, which will be taken into consideration in his/her on-campus activities, funding, or scholarship applications unless it is duly justified.
  • If an awardee is determined to have made a false statement on his/her application, in addition to the revoke of the Scholarship (both title and monetary award) (awardee concerned is liable to refund the full Scholarship if the Scholarship has been disbursed), UM will reject his/her scholarship applications for the next four years.