Semester Exchange Programmes provide opportunities to study at UM partner university (host university) for one or two semesters without being required to pay international student fees. Students will pay the regular UM tuition fee when going on exchange while credits earned abroad may be transferred and counted to your UM degree.

For details and application

Student Researcher Programme provides opportunities for postgraduate students of UM to undertake research attachments at the counter institution. Students who participate in the Programme will be engaged in research activities under the supervision of the academic member(s) of the host institution, with a minimum duration of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months.

For details and application.

The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is an independent, non-profit and non-political student exchange organisation, as well as the largest organisation of its kind in the world.

Due to the technical nature of the internships, the opportunities are offered exclusively to FHS, FST and ICMS students.

For details and application

Erasmus+ is a mobility programme commissioned by the European Union (EU) to facilitate mobility and exchange of students and professionals in the education sector within and beyond Europe.  As one of the participating institutions in Macao SAR, University of Macau has sent and received students, professors and administrators to/from higher education institutions in Europe.

For details and application

10,000 Talents Programme activities are only available for students who are Residents of Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR, and is conducted in Chinese.

For more information on the programme, please visit this page (available in Chinese only).

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