UM has launched dual degree programmes with reputable universities around the world to provide opportunities for students to experience different cultures as well as to pursue two degrees.
Dual Bachelor’s Degree Programmes
Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Programme
Double Master’s Degree Programme
1+3 Master’s -PhD Degree Programme
Dual PhD Degree Programme
Dual PhD Degree Programme offers doctoral students from UM and the partner university the opportunity to undertake coursework at both universities on a coordinated basis, and conduct research work under the co-supervision of supervisors at both universities. Students who fulfill the graduation requirements of both universities will receive a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from UM and a Doctoral/Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the partner university, individually.
Partner Universities:
- University of Lisbon (for the programmes offered by Instituto Superior Técnico only)
- University of Porto
- University of Palermo
- UM : PhD degree
- Partner University: Doctoral / PhD degree
Application: Interested students should contact the PhD supervisor.